Auto Route Comparison - ARC™

Thanks to ARC™ (Auto Route Comparison), wasted time, fuel and excessive CO2 are highlighted easily.

As well as showing you the routes that your vehicles take, Revelation also compares routes taken by drivers to see if it was the most economical route available. This invaluable unique feature, known as ARC™ (Auto Route Comparison), has been specifically designed and implemented in-house by our dedicated software team.

Featuring extensive vehicle-specific Co2 monitoring and reporting, fuel usage, idling and comprehensive Eco Reports (emailed automatically every chosen week or month), Revelation also compares routes taken by drivers to see if it was the most economical route available. This invaluable unique feature, known as ARC™ (Auto Route Comparison), has been specifically designed and implemented in-house by our dedicated software team.

 ARC™ shows you the route taken (blue plotted line) against the most optimal route available (green plotted line). Not only this, ARC will tell you how much more fuel you used, how much longer the journey took in time and distance, and how much more CO2 was emitted because of this longer route. We’ve designed ARC™ to have a built-in tolerance of 10%, so you’ll only be alerted to journeys where significant savings could have been made, or where a driver takes ‘the long way round’ to avoid other jobs. All ARC™ data is available to review quickly via the Dashboard as well as on a route replay, and is automatically collated in Eco Reports.